Do you know which type of thermostat to buy? A thermostat is a device which controls the temperature of cooling and heating devices. We sell quality thermostats in Houston, TX. Here is a highlight on the various types of thermostats you can purchase.

Manual Mechanical Thermostats

It is a traditional thermostat variety. Once a homeowner sets it at a particular temperature, it remains constant until they manually switch it off. Also, it remains turned off until one manually turns it on. Moreover, you should manually switch it from cooling to heating or heating to cooling mode. However, many people no longer use them as they have mercury.

Manual Digital Thermostats

They typically use a solid-state temperature monitoring tool, a thermistor, which senses a room’s temperature. It energizes the equipment through a circuit board or user settings. One can efficiently use them if they are knowledgeable in HVAC electrical control. When you intend it replace the thermostat, it recommended that you hire a certified HVAC technician. It avoids creating electrical problems such as faulty wiring.

Programmable Digital Thermostats

They offer essential and multiple functions for a variety of HVAC equipment. Some thermostats may be challenging to operate while others are quickly programmable. However, it’s vital to understand different thermostat programs and to read their user guides.

Programmable Mechanical Thermostats

They have been in use for decades. Most HVAC stores no longer sell them. The thermostat operates through its mechanical timer, multiple switches, and user settings. It has a mercury switch that completes its circuit. Also, most American states have banned their sale. They have established laws that regulate the disposal of these thermostats.

More types of thermostats include:

  • One-Stage Cool and Heat: Single-stage thermostats are used for packaged units and split systems
  • Two-Stage or Multi-Stage: Appropriate for heating and cooling equipment that automatically adjusts output capacity to match the existing load
  • 24mV Controls: A 24mV thermostat is usually installed in modular cooling and heating units or appropriately equipped fireplaces.


If you intend to purchase a thermostat in Houston, Texas, contact [company_name]. We sell a variety of thermostats at affordable prices and we teach clients on how to maintain and operate their new temperature control system.