common indoor air pollutants

Common Indoor Air Pollutants and How to Eliminate Them in Bellaire, TX

As a homeowner, there are quite a few common indoor air pollutants you need to be aware of. As a society, we're spending more and more time indoors, whether it's at home or at the office. This isn't going to change any time soon, so it's best to find out what hidden dangers there might be.

The concentrations of these pollutants can be 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. Meaning, we're much more likely to breathe these pollutants in. In turn, it's more likely that you'll be negatively affected by them.

So, keep reading to find out more about these air pollutants and how to eliminate them from your home.

Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

Unfortunately, indoor air pollutants can't be seen with the naked eye. It's sometimes possible to spot the source of the pollutants, but that isn't always the case. Most people also don't look for sources of pollutants unless they know they have a problem.

Inadequate Ventilation

Proper ventilation is key if you want to reduce the concentration of air pollutants in your home. Air pollutants are all around us, but these pollutants accumulate at dangerous levels without ventilation.

Proper ventilation is also needed to prevent the buildup of excess moisture. This buildup can lead to the growth of mold

Mold is unsightly and can make your home appear dirty, but the true danger lies in the toxins it releases. Mold can lead to a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Mild to severe allergies
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe respiratory issues
  • Aspergillosis

Building Materials

Usually, when people think of indoor air pollutants, they picture:

  • Mold
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Smoke
  • Dust mites

While these pollutants are all problematic, many people don't realize their house itself could be a pollutant. Asbestos is one of the main causes of indoor air pollution, even though it has been banned in the US since 1989.

Asbestos was used in insulation, fireproofing materials, and even flooring materials. This is why many people are cautioned when renovating an older home. Most houses with materials containing asbestos are safe if they aren't tampered with, but even a small crack in a pipe can cause asbestos fibers to filter through.

Asbestos fibers can get stuck in your lungs and stay there for an extremely long time. These fibers irritate your lungs and can cause scarring and inflammation of the lungs. The scarring, in turn, can lead to:

  • Asbestosis
  • Cancer of the lining of the chest or abdomen

Stoves and Heaters

Burning coal, wood, or natural gas can all add to indoor air pollution. When these materials are burned, they release harmful chemicals. Some of these chemicals include:

  • Carbon monoxide
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Particulate matter

The smoke from these stoves and heaters can also contain other harmful gasses. The danger with smoke is it can help the gasses penetrate deep into the lungs.

If there isn't proper ventilation, then these gasses and smoke can build up inside your home. Dust can also be released into the air if these devices aren't cleaned regularly.

HVAC System Maintenance

One of the best ways to combat air pollutants is by focusing on increasing your indoor air quality. This can be done through regular HVAC system maintenance.

Most homes and buildings are built in a way to help reduce energy consumption. By sealing a building tightly, less energy is needed to cool and heat the air, but this means less fresh air comes in unless you explicitly open a window. Even with windows open, chances are there are parts of your home that won't be affected by this airflow.

Less fresh air throughout the home means indoor air quality drops. This is where mechanical ventilation and air filters come into play. 

Mechanical ventilation introduces fresh air into homes and offices while also reducing accumulated contaminants. Air filters are also used to catch contaminants and help keep the air fresh and clean.

Scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning services for your HVAC system means any accumulated contaminants can get cleared out instead of pushed back into your home. Regular maintenance also ensures your HVAC system is in tip-top condition, meaning you're less likely to have to shell out for costly repairs later on.

Indoor Air Quality Sensors

If you're worried that the concentration of indoor air pollutants could be dangerous, then you should consider installing air quality sensors. There are various sensors available that measure different common pollutants or a combination of them. These sensors give you a way to understand the current condition and measure the effectiveness of any improvements you make.

These sensors might not be a solution to your problem, but since you can't see the pollutants, the sensors are your eyes and ears. 

Reduce Sources of Indoor Pollution

There are some air pollutants that you simply can't get around. So, it's important to know how to reduce the source if you can't remove it. If you're trying to improve your air quality, then you need to consider what habits you have that might be harmful. 

If you're a smoker, make sure to only smoke in outdoor areas, far away from any doors or windows. Similarly, reduce the amount of strongly scented products, like air fresheners, you use. 

Make sure you're outside in the fresh air when using high-emitting products like paint, glue, caulk, or incense. If you can't be outside when using them, then you have to make sure that you increase the ventilation as much as possible.

Eliminate Common Indoor Air Pollutants

When it comes to common indoor air pollutants, you can't avoid them all, but you can reduce the concentration you're exposed to. Simple actions like regularly cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system can drastically improve indoor air quality. So don't wait for a scare like carbon monoxide poisoning-act now to keep everyone safe.

Get started on your journey to cleaner air today by scheduling a visit from one of our skilled technicians. P & M Air Conditioning and Heating has been servicing the Greater Houston, TX area for over 65 years.

hvac system

Choosing the Right HVAC System for Your Home: Factors to Consider in West University, TX

If you're looking for a new HVAC system to help beat the heat in your home, this guide will help.  

Replacing air conditioners may not be as exciting as buying a new vehicle. Still, some common HVAC problem signs indicate replacing rather than repairing is best.

New AC units may cost more but are quieter and more efficient. You get what you pay for, so don't waste your money on AC features you don't need.

If you found this article, you're probably searching for answers on choosing the right HVAC system.

Start by ensuring you're getting the right HVAC size for your home. Ensure you know what new AC units in your area cost. Don't be fooled by offers that are way too low.

There are more things to remember when shopping for new AC units. Keep reading for factors to consider when researching different types of HVAC systems in West University, TX.

Understanding the HVAC System

When shopping for the right HVAC system in Texas, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. HVAC is an acronym for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. 

In the summer, temperatures in Texas can reach over 90°F. In the winter, temperatures can drop below 65°F. HVAC systems keep indoor temperatures regulated and are designed to work year-round. The quality of your home's air is determined by the ability of the HVAC system to maintain the temperature.

We know how AC units cool and how the home is heated in winter. However, we rarely hear about the role ventilation plays.

Ventilation is the process of exchanging or replacing air in a space. It improves indoor air quality by eliminating air pollutants like smoke, odor, and dust. It also removes moisture from airborne bacteria; carbon dioxide replenishes oxygen and regulates temperature.

Types of HVAC Systems

Whether we want to or not, the way we warm and cool our Texas Gulf Coast homes is in the process of changing. As a result, climate change is a factor to remember when researching the different types of HVAC systems.

Knowing the environmental factors that affect your home can help you better understand how HVAC systems will evolve. Planning for the future will help keep your home comfortable for the long haul. Plus, it helps you plan for HVAC costs.

One of the best ways to make informed decisions is to understand the different types of HVAC equipment.

Ductless Systems

Ductless systems are a bit misleading. However, they have less ductwork than most HVAC installations. Instead of sending air through your walls via the ducts, each air handler on ductless mini-spit systems connects directly to an outside compressor unit through a single duct.

This process gives you more control over temperature zones but also means you need more units to run. A good example of a ductless system would be a mini-split.

Geothermal Systems

Geothermal systems work by pulling heat from a process that utilizes stable temperatures from the underground. It uses a network of pipes known as a ground loop.

Ground-source heat pumps are the most common types of geothermal systems. Depending on the time of year, they use a mix of water and anti-freeze to heat or cool your home. Despite their high upfront costs, geothermal systems are very economical in the long run. You can use a geothermal system for heating, cooling, and water heater.

Heating & Cooling Split System

Heating and cooling split systems are common HVAC systems. They use separate heating & cooling units to regulate the air temperature inside your house.

A typical split system uses an AC unit for cooling and a furnace when it's time to heat the house. Although heating & cooling split systems work independently, they are usually controlled by one thermostat.

Hybrid Split Systems

Sometimes called hybrid heat systems, they combine a heat pump with a furnace for maximum flexibility. It adds redundancy to your home's heating system. When the weather outside is mild, the heat pump does all the cooling and heating.

When the weather gets cold, the furnace does most of the heating because it can heat more effectively-even in subfreezing temperatures.

HVAC Installation

A new HVAC installation will take into consideration the existing HVAC system. If a modern HVAC system is installed already, you probably have a wall-mounted zone unit. However, having a full-house system can be a bit more complicated, especially if you already have a central heating unit in your home.

Trained HVAC technicians can adjust your system so the AC unit connects to the furnace ducts. Once installed, it'll need to be tested to ensure it's working properly. It shouldn't make any noise and should stay at the same temperature all over the house.

Even if you know the basics of installing HVAC systems, it's not a good idea to do it yourself. It's complicated and can be dangerous, so some cities require you to hire licensed technicians.

HVAC Costs

The average HVAC price varies depending on the brand you buy, the size of your home, and the cost of HVAC installation your contractor charges.

When it comes to HVAC costs, you want to ensure you're getting the best system for your home. Even if it's more expensive than other options, you should still consider other factors like energy efficiency and how long it'll last.

The cheapest option isn't always the best and is usually not the most efficient. Plus, if you buy the right HVAC size and a quality unit, you'll save money on repairs and air conditioning maintenance.

Is it Time to Replace Your HVAC System?

We hope this article was useful in helping you understand the basics of choosing an HVAC System. Eventually, you'll need to replace your heating and air unit. When you do, you want to choose an experienced company.

P&M Air Conditioning and Heating would love to be your HVAC service company. Contact us for all of your HVAC needs. Financing is available. 

replace air conditioner

Is It Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner in Houston, TX?

The average temperature in Houston is 89°F during summer, which lasts three months. As a result, you need a good working air conditioner. 

New air conditioners work extremely well to keep you cool on hot days. But older systems might not be reliable. After all, they don't last forever.

How can you know when to replace your air conditioner? You can know by the signs.

Keep reading to learn the top signs that it's time to replace your system.

It's Close to 15 Years Old

Age is an indicator of air conditioner replacement. While it's not the only sign, you should consider it. 

The U.S. Department of Energy states that a typical AC system lasts 15 to 20 years. This doesn't mean every system lasts this long, but most do.

A system under 10 years old probably has a decent amount of life left. As a system passes the 10-year point, it loses its reliability and efficiency. 

You'll likely begin experiencing more problems with the system at this point. Your system may start acting up and running more frequently. Older systems aren't as efficient.

It's also important to realize that some factors affect a system's life expectancy.

For example, a higher-quality AC unit lasts longer than a cheap model. A system also wears out faster when the contractor installs it improperly. An incorrect-sized system might also wear out faster.

As you consider replacement, begin by evaluating your system's age. You can also factor in any issues, like improper installation. But don't stop there.

You must also consider the remaining signs to know when to replace your system.

Your Energy Bills Are Too High

One of the secondary effects of older systems is low efficiency. AC systems lose their efficiency as they age. This means you'll pay more for your energy bills.

An older system tends to run more to cool a house. It runs more because it can't cool a house as fast as it can when it is new. It also runs more because it doesn't use energy as efficiently as newer systems.

Therefore, you'll reap a few benefits when you hire an HVAC company to replace your system. First, you'll have a system that runs less while achieving the same temperature.

For example, it might take an hour for your current system to drop the temperature in your home by one degree. A new system might only run for 30 minutes. 

A system that runs less uses less energy. This results in lower energy bills. After upgrading to a high-efficiency AC unit, you might see a significant drop in your energy bills.

You can use the money you save to pay for your new system. 

It Doesn't Keep Up With Your Cooling Needs

Newer systems also help you stay cooler in the hot summer. Does your current AC system have trouble keeping up with your cooling needs? Do you feel hot and sweaty in your home?

When you set your thermostat to a lower temperature, does your system achieve the goal? While AC systems might run more on the hottest days, they should be able to keep up.

Older systems often experience problems keeping up. This is especially true during hot spells.

However, you can't control the temperature outside. You can only control your thermostat and need a system that can keep up.

You can contact an AC company in Houston to find out how much a new system will cost.

They can give you an approximate cost based on your home size and layout. However, they'll need to come to your home to give you a solid estimate. 

It Runs All the Time

As mentioned, older systems can't keep up with the temperature demands on hot days. As a result, they run and run. Even though they run so much, they might not cool your home.

How often does your system run? Do you hear it running often? When it runs, does it make strange sounds?

An air conditioner experiences a lot of stress when it runs constantly. This stress leads to parts wearing out. Unfortunately, constant running also leads to higher energy costs. 

Call an HVAC contractor if your system runs all the time. It might be time to replace it. You might also need an AC and heating tune-up occasionally to keep the system running well.

The System Breaks Down Often

One of the biggest signs is frequent breakdowns. When you combine frequent breakdowns with the other signs, you'll know it's time for a replacement. 

An older air conditioning system is prone to problems. Parts wear out with age and use, and older systems might develop more coolant leaks.

Each time your system breaks down, you must call for HVAC services. AC companies charge a service fee each time this occurs. Plus, you must pay for the parts and labor required to repair the system. 

These problems can add up quickly. Then, add in the extra costs for your utility bills. Don't forget to factor in the headaches and stress you feel each time your system breaks down.

With a new system, you'll have a reliable device that will cool your home efficiently. Many new systems also come with a warranty, protecting you from issues for the first year or so.

Replace Your Air Conditioner to Stay Cool

Staying cool is vital in the hot summer months in Texas. If your system isn't keeping up, consider getting a new one.

You can reap many benefits if you replace your air conditioner. You'll save money on energy costs and feel more comfortable in your home.

Your system will also run less and experience fewer problems that require HVAC repairs. As a result, you'll have a reliable air conditioner you can count on all summer long.

Contact us at P & M Air Conditioning and Heating for a free AC repair estimate. We offer AC replacement services and more. We service Houston, Bellaire, Pearland, West University, and Friendswood, TX. 

indoor air quality

Will Replacing My Air Filters Improve the Indoor Air Quality in My Friendswood, TX Home?

More people are becoming concerned about the importance of indoor air quality than ever before. Maybe this is one reason that there is so much demand for water and air quality testing services. In 2022, this industry generated about $2.3 billion in revenue in the United States alone!

There is a long list of reasons that indoor air quality is so important. The more people learn about these reasons, the more they are getting interested in simple ways to improve the quality of the air they enjoy at home.

In particular, many people wonder if changing the air filters in their HVAC system might help improve indoor air quality.

Everyone, no matter their situation, can benefit from breathing cleaner air at home. Learning a little bit about what you can do with your air filters to enjoy better indoor air quality is an investment that will pay for itself many times over in the long run. So will replacing your air filters improve your indoor air quality in Friendswood, TX?

Read on to learn all about the importance of indoor air quality and how you can improve it!

Improve Indoor Air Quality by Changing Filters

Depending on your situation, changing out the air filters in your air conditioner might be able to improve your indoor air quality. So how can you know if changing your air filters will make a difference in your situation?

Understanding how your air filter can affect your air quality will also help you know when you need to change it. Your air conditioner processes amazing amounts of air every hour that you use it. As it draws on air from outside or even inside your home, it passes that air through its air filter before releasing it into your home.

As it does so, the dust and other contaminants in the air end up stuck in the air filter instead of floating around the atmosphere of your house. However, as this process goes on long enough, your air conditioner air filter will collect more and more dust.

After about 6 months of collecting dust, it will start to struggle to filter out further contaminants. That means that the air that passes through your air filter will come out with dust still floating in it.

This is when you might need to change your air filter to enjoy improved indoor air quality.

Enjoy Clean Air With an AC and Heating Tune-Up

In other cases, you might need to search for "AC repair near me" even if your air filter is still working fine. If you have an air conditioner leaking or need furnace repair, there is a good chance that the air quality in your home will start to suffer.

The good news is that you can find plenty of heating and AC companies that will provide you with an AC repair free estimate. As you receive a free furnace estimate or AC estimate, your HVAC professionals will also be able to tell you a little bit about whether or not your HVAC system might be affecting your indoor air quality.

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That can provide you with the exact information you need so that you can keep your indoor air as clean as possible.

The Benefits of Improved Indoor Air Quality

When you think about it, it makes sense that the quality of the air you breathe might have profound effects on your health. If your air filter and HVAC system do not remove contaminants from the air you breathe, your respiratory system will collect many of them instead.

In some cases, this can lead people to develop allergies. Anyone who already has allergies will be more likely to display allergic symptoms when they are breathing indoor air that is not as clean as possible.

On top of that, anybody with respiratory issues of any kind will often suffer from coughing, congestion, and similar symptoms if they are breathing unclean air.

On the other hand, not as many people realize that clean air can affect productivity. When air quality is high, people tend to enjoy better cognitive function. That allows them to focus better and feel better while they go about their important tasks.

This goes double because indoor air quality can also affect sleep quality. Many people are struggling today to get a quality night of sleep on a consistent basis. That can have huge effects on their well-being throughout the day as well.

Breathing clean air can help you sleep easily at night and enjoy greater well-being during waking hours as well.

Finding Heating and Cooling Near Me

The right HVAC professionals can help you improve your indoor air quality. However, if you are interested in better air quality, make sure to look for AC companies that specialize in indoor air quality.

The more experience an HVAC company has with air quality, the better the chance they can help you achieve the results you are seeking. Depending on your situation, it can also be helpful to assess your HVAC company options online. Try looking for reviews that talk about how much cleaner customers' air felt after receiving help from an HVAC company!

Enjoy Better Indoor Air Quality at Home

Scientists are still discovering more and more benefits associated with having better indoor air quality at home. To enjoy these benefits, it is more than worth taking the time to invest in better indoor air quality. One of the most important things you can do to keep your indoor air fresh is to make sure that your AC system always has fresh air filters.

To learn more about how you can find the right AC maintenance and repair help in Friendswood, TX, for you, reach out and get in touch with us at P & M Air Conditioning and Heating at any time!

Energy-Efficient AC Unit

What is the Most Energy Efficient AC Unit in Pearland, TX?

Sit and savor the cool, crisp comfort of your home in the sweltering Texas heat, all while saving money and helping the planet.

Sounds like a dream, right? Yet, it's entirely within reach when you choose the most energy-efficient AC unit for your home in Pearland, TX.

This article unravels the mystery behind energy efficiency in air conditioning, guiding you through features such as EER and SEER ratings, variable-speed technology, and the role of smart thermostats.

We'll also explore how the size and capacity of an AC unit can impact its energy efficiency. By the end, you'll be equipped to make an informed decision to bring comfort, savings, and sustainability into your home.

Understanding Energy Efficiency in AC Units

Before buying one, you must understand the role of energy efficiency in AC units. It's got environmental and economic impacts. Efficiency refers to the unit's ability to cool your home without using too much energy.

In essence, it's about using less electricity in your air conditioning.

The most energy-efficient AC units offer advanced technology and fantastic cutting-edge design. These units can regulate temperature and humidity. And do that in an optimal way. So it's great for the environment and will save you money too.

The Benefits of an Energy-Efficient Unit

Choosing an energy-efficient unit has both short and long-term benefits.
In the short term, you'll start to see reduced electricity bills. A modern AC unit offers smart technology.

It operates only when it needs to and minimizes wasteful overcooling. You can also add programmable thermostats to give you extra control. This advanced technology will ensure you start to see significant savings.

In the long term, these savings begin to accumulate. You'll get to the point where your cost savings offset the money you spend on your AC unit.

Another benefit comes from lower maintenance expenses. Energy-efficient units have robust design features. It won't break so often, and you won't get ongoing problems. So you'll save money on expensive repair bills.

And the unit will last a long time, delaying when you need to spend money on a new system.

There is also the environmental impact. By consuming less electricity, you're reducing your dependence on power plants. In other words, it will help you contribute towards a decrease in greenhouse gases.

EER Ratings

EER refers to the Energy Efficiency Ratio. It measures how efficiently that cooling system operates. The measurement is based on when the outdoor temperature is at a specific level. A higher EER means better efficiency.

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) is a bit different.

It measures the system efficiency over a season instead of a single temperature. It considers varying conditions, making it a more comprehensive efficiency rating. The higher the SEER, the more energy-efficient the unit.

In short, when shopping for an energy-efficient AC unit, check both measurements. And shop for models with high EER and SEER ratings. They'll use less energy. And they will save you money and reduce your carbon footprint.

Size and Capacity

Another two features you'll want to check are size and capacity. These play a pivotal role in the efficiency level of your AC unit.

But big isn't always better when it comes to air conditioning. A vast unit will cool your home quickly but won't be so swift at reducing humidity. So in the hot summer months, you could find your home clammy and uncomfortable.

On the flip side, tiny units won't work well cooling a hot home, and because they take longer, they use more energy.

The takeaway is that you must find a size and capacity that fits your home and climate. A larger home will need a bigger AC unit, but don't overdo it.

You should also consider other factors, such as your home insulation and the number and size of windows.

Variable Speed Technology

It's helpful to understand variable-speed technology in AC units. It impacts the energy efficiency of that system.

Older and more traditional AC units have on and off settings. They run on full power or not at all. And that's never the most efficient way to run a machine. So manufacturers invested in variable-speed technology to help make these units more efficient.

The change in speed allows the unit to adjust depending on the environment. If the temperature is mild, they will work in a slower setting. So you aren't using more power than you need.

Another bonus of variable-speed units is that they maintain a more consistent temperature. So they offer a more comfortable experience.

When buying an AC unit, always look for one with variable speed settings. They are likely to be some of the most energy-efficient brands.

Smart and Programmable Thermostats

If you're buying a new AC unit, look for one that offers smart or programmable thermostats. They offer you superior energy efficiency. Programmable thermostats will allow you to set the temperature at different times of the day.

So if you aren't at home, you can change the setting so it's not costing you as much money. But you can set them to cool the house right before you return home.

Smart thermostats work similarly, but they do this job for you. They learn how your household works and adjust and optimize the temperature. It's convenient and offers you the most cost savings.

The Most Energy Efficient Brands in Pearland, TX

Always use the factors we've already mentioned when shopping for an energy-efficient AC unit. But regarding brands, here are some of the makes currently on the market that you might want to consider.

  • Lennox Air Conditioner (SL29XCV Model)
  • Midea U-Shaped AC Unit
  • LG Duel Inverter
  • GC PHC08LY
  • Whynter (ARC 14S)

Why not reach out to our team for some advice? As part of our AC services, we can help guide you to the most current makes that best fit your home.

Finding an Energy-Efficient AC Unit: Your Next Step

Selecting the most energy-efficient AC unit is a smart, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible decision. It's about optimizing comfort while reducing energy consumption and costs.

If you're ready to make this investment in your home's comfort and sustainability, contact P&M HVAC. Our experienced professionals in Pearland, TX, are ready to guide you through every step of the process.

ac is not working

What to Do if Your AC Is Not Working in Bellaire, TX

The air conditioning unit that we are familiar with today was invented in 1922. Since then, this unit has become indispensable to many homes across the United States. The problem with AC units is that they don't last forever and will eventually break down. 

What should you do if your AC is not working in Bellaire, TX? How can you find the root of the problem? How can you know if it's time to call a professional to fix it?

Keep reading and learn more about what you should do if your air conditioner stops working. 

Check if the Air Filter Is Dirty

One of the most common air conditioner problems is a dirty air filter. The air filter is more important to the function of an air conditioning unit than most people realize. The filter needs to be clear to let air flow through it. 

The problem is that these air filters won't stay clean forever. They will soon pick up the dust and debris floating around in the air. Once dust gets stuck in the air filter, it won't get out on its own. 

The air filter will eventually get so dirty that it can no longer let air flow through. This will create a variety of problems, such as poor air quality. Since air can't flow very well through your home, you may notice that the indoor air is very stagnant and musty. 

This is because there is a bunch of dust and debris floating around. You may also notice that once your AC starts running, it won't run for very long. This is known as short cycling. 

Understanding the Problem

The AC only works for short bursts before turning off again. When the AC unit is on, it also has to work very hard to cool your house. You may notice this in the form of high energy bills. 

While your AC isn't working for as long as it should, it is still causing your bills to skyrocket. This is because a clogged air filter makes it much harder for an AC unit to perform its basic tasks. If the air filter gets clogged enough, the AC may stop working completely.

You can fix the problem by replacing the air filter. You can also prevent the problem from happening again by cleaning the air filter every so often. 

Check if Blocked Vents Are Limiting Air Flow

Vents are important for distributing cool air throughout the house. Once the air filter gets clogged, there is a good chance that these vents will get clogged, too. This is why you should check the vents in addition to the filter if your AC is having problems. 

You may notice that your AC unit is running, but it's not making the air inside your home cold. This is likely because the vents are blocked. You may also notice that the air inside your home is dustier than usual. 

Vents are most commonly blocked by clumps of dust and other debris. But depending on where the vents are located, they may be blocked by other objects. If your furniture is covering some of the vents, this may contribute to the problem. 

Consider moving your furniture out of the way and see if that solves the issue. You should also check if anything has fallen into the vents. Small toys and other objects can sometimes fall into the vents and cause clogs. 

Investigating the Root of the AC Problem

Open up the vents and see if there is anything inside. If you don't see any objects but find a whole lot of dust, it's best to clean that out right away. You don't want you and your family to breathe in all that dust all the time. 

Unclogging the vents this way should also allow the AC unit to run more efficiently. It shouldn't have any problem running cool air through your house after that. But if you unclog the vent and still have AC issues, you may be dealing with a more serious problem. 

It may involve the more technical aspects of the unit, such as the motor or the wiring. 

Call a Professional

There will come a point when you have no idea what to do with your air conditioner. Central air conditioners, window units, and other types of AC units all have unique problems. If you can't get to the root of these issues, you'll have a hard time keeping cool.

This is especially a problem in the summer. This is when you should call a professional. A professional can fix the problem in no time, no matter what might be the matter with your AC unit. 

The issue might be that the fan motor is worn out and no longer working. Or the capacitor might be having problems. Some AC units may be old and need to be replaced. 

A professional will know how to diagnose the problem and tell you about it in simple terms. The air conditioner will then be functioning as it should, or you may need to get a new unit. 

Hiring a professional will make this process much faster and simpler for you.

What Should You Do if Your AC Is Not Working?

If your AC is not working, you'll need to find the root of the problem. It may be something as simple as a clogged vent or filter. Or it may be something more serious relating to the motor or wiring. 

If you can't figure out the issue, call a professional. Are you ready to contact an AC company in Bellaire, TX? Check out our services and see how P & M Air Conditioning and Heating can help

heating and cooling maintenance

Benefits of Springtime Preventative HVAC Maintenance For West University, TX Homeowners

The winter chill is starting to wane. The flowers are in bloom. And the sun is shining once more.

Yes, spring is just around the corner. But if you think you've got time before the summer heat sets in, you're wrong. It's never too early to start thinking about getting routine HVAC service.

In areas like West University, TX, the average low temperature in January is 45º, while the average high temperature in July is 93º. The West University, TX area also averages about 205 days of sun per year.

It's important to practice proper heating and cooling maintenance to keep your home comfortable year-round, no matter what the seasons bring.

If you live in the West University, TX area and are interested in learning more about preventative maintenance, this guide can help you. Keep reading below for further information on the benefits of heating and cooling maintenance.

Identifying Trouble Before It Happens

One of the top benefits of preventative maintenance is the ability to find problems before they occur. The cost to replace an HVAC unit is $7,000 on average. This range can fluctuate between $5,000 to $12,500 depending on the size and the brand of the unit you choose.

To prevent these high costs, it is vital to engage in regular heating and cooling maintenance. Doing so can help your HVAC service locate worn-out parts and replace them before they cause a full system breakdown.

A skilled HVAC company can also locate other problems like dirty coils and improper drainage and fix them to keep minor issues from becoming larger, costlier mistakes later on.

Routinely Changing Out the Air Filters

Many homeowners believe that they don't have to change out the air filters until it starts to affect the performance of their home HVAC unit. Again, this is a common misconception. Routine heating and cooling maintenance should involve changing out the air filters.

Dirty air filters can build up and compromise your air conditioner's airflow. This means that your HVAC unit will have to work twice as hard trying to push the air through.

Regular changing of your air filters as part of preventative maintenance can increase your unit's efficiency. When the hot summer months arrive, you can enjoy the full functionality of a unit that operates smoothly and effectively. 

Cleaning Up the Quality of Your Air

With dirty air filters, you'll have more of a likelihood of poor indoor air quality. Pollen, dander, and dust can get stuck in your air filters and circulate throughout your house. Even recirculated pollutants and bacteria can make you or your family members sick.

An estimated 25% of adults in the U.S. suffer from seasonal allergies. Dirty ducts and air filters can make breathing problems like allergy symptoms and asthma worse.

When you have your air filters changed during preventative heating and cooling maintenance, you can also have your air ducts cleaned. Air duct cleaning will remove any lingering allergens from troublesome areas of dirty ductwork. You and your family will be able to breathe easier as a result.

Beating the Summer Rush

Waiting until there's a problem to call your local HVAC company isn't just expensive, it can also be extremely time-consuming. If you wait until the hot summer months to call, you'll find that the HVAC technicians are busy with other emergency calls. You will likely have to wait longer to receive service.

If your HVAC unit is completely stalled out and needs repairing or replacing, you'll be left sweltering in the unbearable summer heat. Getting your heating and cooling maintenance down now can save you from the headache of the summer swelter later. Preventative maintenance now is worth it, in the long run, to keep your home cool and comfortable.

Preserving Your HVAC Unit's Warranty

HVAC units come with warranties or extended warranties. Many of these warranties specify that you must undergo routine heating and cooling maintenance in order to uphold your end of the contract. These warranties stipulate an annual or bi-annual preventative maintenance schedule.

For optimum performance, have a reputable HVAC company service your unit in the spring and fall. A cleaning, inspection, and tune-up will fulfill the terms and conditions of your warranty while also keeping your HVAC unit operating at its best. 

If issues still arise with your HVAC unit, your warranty company will see that you've taken the necessary steps to provide proper maintenance otherwise.

Extending the Life of Your HVAC Unit

You want to get the most out of the money you spend on your home's HVAC unit. Without proper heating and cooling maintenance, you're drastically shortening the lifespan of your existing unit. If your HVAC is struggling to perform due to unchecked issues and faulty parts, you're doing yourself a great disservice.

With preventative maintenance, you can prolong the lifespan of your HVAC unit. You can cut down on expensive emergency calls and hefty repair costs. What you spend on regular maintenance is well worth the cost compared to having to replace a full unit more often. 

Improving Energy Efficiency

An overworked HVAC unit isn't just a strain on the unit itself, it's also a strain on your energy bills. If you're trying to cool your house down in the summer months and are finding that you're not getting the results you want, you'll probably try to turn the temperature down. 

But an HVAC unit with insufficient regular heating and cooling maintenance will take up more energy trying to compensate for the lack of efficiency. This can cost you higher energy bills. 

Routine preventative maintenance addresses common issues that can affect your unit's energy efficiency. Have your HVAC unit inspected and serviced during springtime to ensure its peak efficiency during the summer months.

Find Expert Heating and Cooling Maintenance with P&M HVAC Service in West University, TX

Being a homeowner comes with many challenges, but keeping your HVAC system working well shouldn't be one of them. Preventative maintenance is essential for keeping your HVAC unit in top working order. Turn to P&M Air Conditioning and Heating for your HVAC service needs.

P&M Air Conditioning and Heating have 75 years of experience with HVAC service. We serve the Bellaire, Pearland, West University, Friendswood, and greater Houston areas of Texas. Let us help you with your heating and air conditioning needs with fast, friendly, and quality HVAC service. 

Contact us to schedule your heating and cooling maintenance today.

heat pump

Heat Pump vs Furnace: What’s the Better Option for My Home in Houston, TX?

Research shows that the temperature in Texas ranges from 36ºF to 96°F on average. The winters are short but can get quite cold and dry compared to the hot and humid summers. Even though Houston, TX, is a hot state, homes should still have heating systems. Systems like a furnace or heat pump help to make the winter months more bearable.

The only problem is that it can be hard to decide on the right heating services. You may not know if a furnace or a heat pump is the right option for energy efficiency in your home.

Keep reading to find out whether your home needs a heat pump or a furnace.

Furnace Vs Heat Pump

Before deciding on a heating system, you need to understand what they are. A heat pump is part of a home's heating and cooling system.

This part is often considered to be an energy-efficient alternative to something like a furnace. This heat pump uses electricity to make a cold space warmer.

If you are using heating in winter, it will take cold outdoor air and use it to create hot air for your home. If you use it during summer, it circulates warm air out of your home and cool air inside.

The main thing about a heat pump is that it does not generate heat. It is able to relocate air from inside or outside to achieve a comfortable temperature for your home.

This is very different from a furnace that is very common in most Texas homes. A furnace uses fuel to generate heat in your home.

It may use gas heating or other types of fuel to generate the heat and distribute it throughout your home.

This creates a heating system that is made up of a burner, heat exchangers, a blower fan, and a flue.

Heat Pump Pros and Cons

If you are trying to decide between a heat pump vs furnace for your home, you want to know the pros and cons. These will help you decide what the best option is for your household.

These are important to consider because not every option is ideal for every home. There are many different factors that impact how a heating system functions for your home.


One of the biggest benefits of a heat pump is that it is usually more affordable. This is not the case for every home, but in general, a heat pump costs less to run.

This is because a heat pump does not have to generate heat for your home. It is able to use the surrounding air to create a comfortable environment without burning fuel.


Despite being more efficient, a heat pump has a shorter lifespan than a furnace. A well-maintained furnace is expected to last around 20 years or even more.

This is compared to a heat pump that typically only lasts around 15 years. This is often the case, even if you make sure that your heat pump is regularly maintained.


Furnaces have a lot of building code restrictions due to their size. A heat pump is located outdoors and does not need a very large clearance around the unit.

This makes it a better option for homes with limited space for a heating system. Some systems can even be mounted on the wall so they don’t take up space.

Furnace Pros and Cons

There is no clear answer about whether a furnace or heat pump is right for homes in Texas. This is because you have to base your decision on each individual home.

You will want to understand the benefits and downsides of each option and how it impacts your house. This is important because heating systems are not cheap, and this is going to be a substantial investment.


One of the benefits of a furnace for your home is low maintenance. Both a furnace and a heat pump require reoccurring maintenance to make sure they are in working order.

But a furnace does not have as many maintenance requirements as a heat pump. This means that maintaining your furnace will cost less over the years.


A furnace is a more efficient option for a variety of temperatures. Because a heat pump does not create heat, it may not be as dependable or efficient in very cold conditions.

A furnace is able to keep your house warm no matter what the temperature outside is. This makes it a more dependable option if you are experiencing a surprisingly cold winter.


Something to keep in mind is that a furnace is a quieter option for your home. Heat pumps can often be a bit noisy when they are running.

Furnaces are usually located in an out-of-the-way area of your home, reducing any noise. The only sound they typically make is the sound of air moving through your home.

Many people associate heat pumps with clicking or banging noises as they operate.

Heat Pump and Furnace Pros and Cons

If you want to install a heating system in your home, P & M is a reliable company. They provide both furnace and heat pump systems, depending on your preference.

They are also a reliable company if you need any kind of maintenance on your heating system. They can install, maintain, and replace these systems as necessary.

Do you need a new heating system installed in Houston, TX? Contact us today at P & M for heating services or to receive an estimate.

furnace repair

Preventing Furnace Repair: How to Maintain Your Furnace Properly in Friendswood, TX

Reports show that 47% of households rely on natural gas heating in winter. While 36% of households rely on electricity to keep their home warm during these months. During winter, the last thing you want to deal with is a furnace repair. This can be very costly, and companies are often overbooked during this time.

Because it can be so difficult to get heating and cooling maintenance during winter, it is best to prevent this. You can do this by maintaining your furnace system year-round.

Keep reading to find out how to avoid furnace repair by doing these small things.

Schedule Maintenance

One of the most important things you can do is to schedule maintenance for your furnace. AC and heating tuneup options are always ideal rather than waiting until a repair is necessary.

Most repairs can easily be avoided by simply maintaining your furnace. If you maintain it, issues will be spotted long before they become severe and get out of hand.

In general, homeowners should schedule maintenance once a year. You can do this by looking up heating near me online to find local companies.

Regular maintenance is also a good idea as it helps to catch issues that do need to be repaired. The expert will be able to see any issues when they go to perform maintenance.

These issues can be quickly repaired so that they do not start to damage your furnace. This can be a huge money saver in the long run since repairs are much more expensive.

You should have a schedule every year where you have maintenance. This will help you to stay on track and make sure you get this done before winter hits and your furnace is in full use.

Change the Filter

Something that many people forget to do is to change their furnace filter. Changing the filter is going to be the number one way you can maintain it during winter.

Winter in Friendswood, Texas, can be busy for AC and heating companies. You want to take care of your furnace as much as you can so that it stays functional during this time.

Furnace repair will be necessary if you do not change your filter regularly. Most experts recommend homeowners change their furnace filter once every 2 to 3 months.

The filter is what catches all of the dust and debris that is circulating through your home. Not only does this help your furnace, it helps your indoor air quality.

If that filter remains unchanged, it will start to put a strain on your furnace. It will be harder for the furnace to push out warm air, which will lead to issues later on.

This is a very simple issue to avoid having if you have a schedule where you change the filter. It only takes a few minutes and only needs to be done a few times a year.

Use Moderate Heat

Some Texans make the mistake of cranking up their heating during winter. It can be hard to not do this, especially during colder winters that you may not be used to.

But if you crank up the heat in your home too much, this can be a bad thing. You will definitely need heating and cooling maintenance if you are abusing your furnace.

Especially during very cold days, turning up the heat isn’t always going to help. Turning your thermostat higher is just going to make your furnace work harder during very cold weather.

The temperature you have set may be unrealistic depending on the outside temperature. If this is the case, your furnace will be severely taxed, and it will never be able to reach that temperature.

It is important that you keep your furnace at a realistic temperature for your home. Your temperature manual should also give recommendations for how high you can set it safely.

If this is something you struggle with, you can also rely on other forms of heat. Space heaters can be a good way to warm up individual rooms that are drafty or colder.

Don't Ignore Changes

One very important tip to remember is to not ignore changes in your furnace. A furnace repair may be necessary if it starts to work differently than it usually does.

There are always going to be warning signs if your furnace is struggling. You must pay attention to this and act immediately instead of procrastinating.

Things you should watch for our strange noises, inaccurate heating, or strange smells. Any kind of little change could signify a bigger issue going on.

It is best to set up an AC and heating tune-up with a professional to see what is going on. The longer you wait, the likelier it is that the issue will continue to get worse and worse.

If you believe that the issue is severe, you should also stop using your furnace immediately. This may be a dangerous issue, and you do not want to continue leaving it to run.

How to Avoid Furnace Repair in Friendswood, TX

With it being winter in Friendswood, Texas, the last thing you want to do is have a furnace repair necessary. The good news is that you can avoid this by maintaining your furnace on your own.

There are small things that you can do to keep your furnace in tip-top condition year-round.

Do you want to schedule a free furnace estimate? Contact us today at P&M HVAC to schedule furnace maintenance in the Houston area.

furnace repair

How to Choose a Furnace Repair Service in Houston, TX

The HVAC was first invented in 1931. Ever since then, HVAC units have been an essential part of homes and other buildings. Without them, it would be impossible to regulate the interior air temperature of your home, especially when it comes to heating. 

If your furnace has recently broken down, you'll need to call up a furnace repair service to help. But what should you look for when choosing a furnace repair service in Houston, TX?

Keep reading and learn more about what you should look for when choosing a service for AC repair near me.

Check the Online Customer Reviews

These days, almost every service has at least a handful of reviews from previous customers online. These customer reviews can tell you a lot about a particular service and they can save you a lot of time when choosing.

Instead of first ruminating over things like AC repair-free estimate options or issues with your air conditioner leaking/AC pan leaking, you should instead turn your attention to the reviews that various AC companies have. 

If you find a repair company that has mostly negative reviews, this is a sign that the service isn't very high-quality. It also shows that the service doesn't care about making its customers happy. On the other hand, if you find a company for heating and cooling near me that has many positive reviews, you may be in luck. 

The Details

Reading online reviews can tell you what's good or bad about a particular service. If the reviews complain that the service was late or did a bad job on the repairs, this is a clear sign that you should ditch that option and look elsewhere. On the other hand, if most of the reviews are enthusing over the service's punctuality and efficiency, then you may want to give that service a closer look.

When choosing a service for heating near me, you'll always want to do plenty of research. That way, when you hire a service for heating and cooling maintenance or an AC and heating tune-up, you'll know exactly what kind of quality you're getting. More importantly, you won't have to deal with the aftermath of a low-quality service. 

Besides the quality of the service, these reviews can also give you more information about various features the service may have to offer such as a free furnace estimate or specialized services. 

Furnace Repair Experience

Experience is very important when hiring a furnace repair service. But how much experience should such a service have? Ideally, when looking for furnace repair experience, you should make sure that a service has at least a few years of experience. The more years a repairman has, the better. 

The last thing you want is to hire a brand-new repair service. A new repairman will have a certain amount of knowledge of the job, but they won't have the skills or experience necessary to tackle more complicated problems. On the other hand, a repair service with many years of experience will have already seen all sorts of furnace problems. 

For that reason, the more experienced service shouldn't have any issues fixing most problems relating to your furnace. The amount of experience a repair service has often correlates with the quality of that service. For example, if you see that a service has been repairing furnaces for 20 years, that service is naturally going to be more trustworthy and sought-after compared to a service that just got started last year. 

The Details

Besides that, services that have been around for a longer period of time have more reviews and references to offer. After all, over so many years, people are either going to have good things or bad things to say about that service. So, if a repair service has been doing a good job for many years and previous customers only have good things to say about it, then you might want to consider hiring that service for yourself. 

This would save you a lot of time and money. Besides that, hiring an experienced service will pretty much guarantee that the job will be done in a speedy and professional manner. What else could you want from a furnace repair service?

The Price

Besides experience and skill, it is important to consider how much a furnace repair service is going to cost. If a service seems unusually cheap, you might want to stay away from that one. This is because unusually cheap services tend not to do a very good job and they may do more harm than good to your furnace. 

Does this mean that you have to pay for an arm and a leg for a good repair service? Not at all. Comparing furnace repair costs is a good way to narrow down your price options and see what the average cost of a furnace repair might be. 

You should also look for services that offer free estimates or quotes to help you out. Once you start comparing the costs of different furnace repair services, you shouldn't have any trouble weeding out those that are too expensive or too cheap. That way, you should be able to choose a reasonably-priced and high-quality service. 

How to Choose a Furnace Repair Service

Choosing a furnace repair service doesn't have to be difficult, but there are certain things you should keep in mind. For example, you should always check customer reviews online and you should check how much experience a service has.

If you need a furnace repair service in Houston, Texas right now, contact us here.