outdoor hvac unit

What Should I Do with My Outdoor Hvac Unit Before a Hurricane Strikes in West University, TX?

The official Texas hurricane season runs from June to November, with August, September, and October considered the peak months. During this time, homeowners in West University, TX, need to be especially vigilant about preparing their properties for potential storms. One often overlooked but crucial aspect of this preparation is ensuring your outdoor HVAC unit is ready for a hurricane.

Your HVAC unit is a significant investment and plays a vital role in keeping your home comfortable. Protecting it from the damaging effects of a hurricane can save you from costly repairs or replacements.

In this blog post, we will discuss practical steps you can take to safeguard your outdoor HVAC unit before a hurricane strikes. Let's get started with these hurricane preparation tips.

What Are the Risks?

Hurricanes pose several significant risks to outdoor HVAC units, which can lead to costly damage and downtime. The primary threats include high winds, water damage, and flying debris.

High winds can displace or topple the unit, potentially causing internal and external damage. The force of the wind can also loosen components or dislodge the unit from its base. Water damage is another major concern.

Heavy rain and flooding can infiltrate the unit, leading to electrical short circuits, rusting of metal parts, and damage to the internal components. This can render the unit inoperable or significantly reduce its efficiency.

Flying debris is also a serious hazard during a hurricane. Objects carried by the wind, such as branches, outdoor furniture, or roofing materials, can strike the unit with great force. This can dent the exterior, damage the fins and coils, or even penetrate the unit, causing extensive internal damage.

Preparing Your Outdoor HVAC Unit

Proper preparation can help protect your outdoor HVAC unit from the severe weather associated with hurricanes. Here's how to get your unit ready for a storm.

Turn Off the Power

Before a hurricane, it's crucial to turn off the power to your HVAC unit. This prevents electrical damage and reduces the risk of fire if water gets into the system. Safety should always come first, and turning off the power minimizes the chances of dangerous electrical issues during the storm.

To turn off the power, start by locating your home's circuit breaker panel. Find the switch labeled for your HVAC unit, which is usually marked clearly. Flip the switch to the "Off" position. Double-check that the unit is no longer running by ensuring it makes no noise and the fan has stopped spinning.

Secure the Unit

Securing your HVAC unit is essential to prevent it from being blown away or damaged by high winds. Anchoring the unit ensures it stays in place during the storm, reducing the risk of severe damage.

To secure the unit, you will need hurricane straps or metal brackets, which are available at most hardware stores. Begin by anchoring the unit to a concrete pad or another solid surface. Use the straps or brackets to firmly attach the unit to the ground, ensuring it is stable and unlikely to be moved by strong winds.

Cover the Unit

Next, you should cover your HVAC unit in order to protect it from flying debris and water damage. A proper cover shields the unit from the elements, helping to prevent internal and external damage.

The best materials for covering your HVAC unit are heavy-duty tarps or specialized HVAC covers. Ensure the cover is large enough to completely cover the unit. Once you have the cover, secure it in place using bungee cords or heavy-duty tape. This will keep the cover from blowing away in the wind and provide maximum protection for your unit.

Clear the Area

Lasting, removing debris and objects around your HVAC unit is crucial for preventing damage during a hurricane. Loose items can become dangerous projectiles in high winds, potentially striking and damaging the unit.

Start by clearing away any outdoor furniture, tools, or other objects that could become airborne during the storm. Next, trim trees and shrubs near the unit to prevent branches from falling and causing damage. Keeping the surrounding area clean and free of debris minimizes the risk of impact damage and ensures your HVAC unit is as protected as possible.

After the Hurricane

Once the storm has passed, it's essential to assess and care for your HVAC unit to ensure it's functioning properly and hasn't sustained damage. Here are the steps to take.

Inspect the Unit

After the hurricane, carefully inspect your HVAC unit for any visible damage. Check for dents, loose parts, or signs of flooding inside the unit. Look over the unit thoroughly to identify any issues that need immediate attention.

Remove the Cover

Once it's safe to do so, remove the cover from your HVAC unit. Be cautious of any water or debris that may have collected on or around the cover. After removing the cover, check inside the unit for leaves, dirt, or water. Ensure the unit is clean and free from debris before proceeding.

Power On the Unit

Before turning the power back on, make sure the unit is completely dry and free of debris. Wait until you are sure that there are no remaining storm threats. To restore power, return to the circuit breaker panel and flip the switch for the HVAC unit to the "On" position.

If you notice any damage or if your unit isn't working properly, it's time to call the experts. P & M Air Conditioning and Heating specializes in HVAC maintenance and repair. Our team can conduct a thorough inspection, address any damage, and ensure your unit is in optimal condition. Whether it's routine maintenance or emergency repairs, we are here to help you keep your HVAC system running smoothly.

West University, TX Hurricane Prep

The bottom line is that protecting your outdoor HVAC unit before a hurricane strikes is crucial to avoid costly damage and ensure it operates smoothly. By following these steps, you can safeguard your investment.

For expert maintenance and repair, trust P & M Air Conditioning and Heating. We provide comprehensive HVAC services to keep your system in top shape. Schedule a service with us today to learn more about outdoor unit safety and to ensure your unit is ready for any weather.

replacing an AC

When Is the Best Time to Replace Your AC in Houston, TX?

Living in Houston, TX, means dealing with scorching, humid summers that make air conditioning more than just a luxury-it's a necessity. Imagine coming home after a long day in the sweltering heat, only to find your AC struggling to keep up, or worse, not working. 

But when is the best time to replace an AC? Should you wait until it breaks down completely, or is there a more strategic approach? Let's look at the factors you need to consider before replacing an AC, as rushing the decision without planning can also lead to unnecessary expenses.

Keep reading for information to help you make an informed choice to ensure your home remains comfortable, even in Houston's toughest heat waves. 

Signs of AC Failure

Knowing the signs of AC failure can help you determine when it's time to replace your unit. Here are some key indicators:

Frequent Repairs

If your AC requires frequent repairs, replacing it might be more cost-effective. Regular breakdowns are an obvious sign that your system is nearing the end of its lifespan.

Inconsistent Cooling

If some rooms in your house are too hot while others are too cold, your AC might struggle to distribute air evenly. This inconsistency can signal that your system is failing, leading to discomfort and inefficiency.

Higher Energy Bills

A sudden hike in your energy bills can indicate that your AC is no longer operating efficiently. Older systems often have to work harder to cool your space, using more energy and affecting your monthly budget.

Strange Noises

Unexpected noises, such as squealing or grinding, can point to significant issues within your AC unit. These sounds are often a precursor to more serious problems that must be addressed promptly.

Age of the Unit

AC units can typically last between 10 to 15 years. If your system is within this age range or older, it's likely time to consider a replacement to avoid unexpected failures and ensure reliable performance.

AC Lifespan Factors

A range of factors can influence the lifespan of your AC unit. These can include:


Regular maintenance is vital for extending the life of your AC. Routine check-ups and timely repairs can keep your system running smoothly for longer.


In Houston, where AC units run more frequently due to the hot climate, the wear and tear on the system can be more significant. Higher usage can shorten the lifespan of your AC.

Factors such as inadequate insulation and poorly sealed doors and windows can increase AC usage and strain the unit. Understanding these influences is essential when evaluating the best time to replace your AC system.

Quality of Installation

Correct installation by a trained professional is vital for the longevity of your AC unit. Poor installation can lead to several problems down the line.

Brand and Model

Some models and brands are noted for their reliability and durability. Investing in a high-quality AC unit can pay off in the long run.

The Best Time for AC Replacement

So, when is the best time to replace your AC in Houston, TX? Consider the following tips:

Off-Season Months

The best time to replace your AC is during the off-season months, typically in the spring or fall. During these periods, HVAC services are less in demand, which can lead to better availability and possibly lower AC replacement costs. 

Replacing your AC before the summer heat hits ensures your system is ready to handle the high temperatures.

Pre-Summer Preparation

Replacing your AC before the peak of summer can save you from dealing with potential breakdowns during the hottest months. It's also a good idea to schedule an inspection in the spring to assess the condition of your current unit.

Special Offers and Discounts

Many HVAC companies offer discounts and special promotions during the off-season. Keep an eye out for these deals to save on the cost of a new unit and installation.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Newer AC models are more energy-efficient, which can lead to big savings on your power bills. Replacing an old, inefficient unit before summer can help you take advantage of these savings.

Houston HVAC Services

Choosing the right Houston HVAC services for your AC replacement is crucial. Look for companies with the following:

A good reputation. Check reviews and ratings to find a company with a strong reputation for quality work and customer service.

Choose a company with skilled technicians who are knowledgeable about various AC systems and brands.

Verify that the service provider is insured and licensed to protect yourself from potential liabilities.

Look for a company that provides clear, upfront pricing without hidden fees. Ask for a detailed estimate before any work begins.

AC Replacement Cost

The cost of replacing an AC unit may vary based on several factors. Consider the following before going shopping:

Size of the Unit

Larger units that can cool more space will generally cost more. Make sure to choose the right size for your home to ensure optimal efficiency.

Efficiency Rating

Higher efficiency units often come with a higher price tag. However, they can save you money over time through lower energy bills.

Additional Features

Modern AC units have various features that can add to the cost but enhance comfort and efficiency. This can include:

  • Smart thermostats
  • Advanced filtration systems
  • Variable-speed technology
  • Quiet operation
  • Zoned cooling
  • Humidity control
  • Air purification
  • Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Diagnostic capabilities

Installation Complexity

The difficulty of the installation process can affect the cost. If your system needs significant modifications, the overall price can increase accordingly.

Final Thoughts on Replacing an AC

Replacing an AC unit is a considerable investment. Recognizing the signs of AC failure and understanding the factors that affect your unit's lifespan can help you make an educated decision about replacement options. Don't wait until summer - start preparing now to keep your home comfortable all year round.

For over 65 years, P & M Air Conditioning and Heating has been Houston and Bellaire's trusted family-owned HVAC company. We offer certified, experienced, and fast AC repair services. Count on us for top-notch installations and comprehensive HVAC solutions, so contact us today.

ac unit blowing warm air

What to Do When Your Home in Friendswood, TX Is Still Warm Even With the AC On

You've just come in from a stifling summer day in Friendswood, TX, seeking refuge in the cool comforts of your home; only to be greeted by an AC unit blowing warm air. The very appliance you rely on to beat the heat seems to have betrayed you at the worst possible moment.

What could be causing your air conditioner to falter when you need it most? This isn't just about comfort; it's about maintaining a livable environment in your home. Read on to discover actionable steps to diagnose and fix this aggravating issue before your living room feels more like a sauna.

How Does Your AC System Work?

Your home's air conditioner is a complex HVAC system designed to reduce the indoor temperature and maintain comfort. At the heart of this system are three main components: the compressor, the condenser, and the evaporator. Each plays a pivotal role in the cooling process.

The compressor is often referred to as the "heart" of the air conditioning system. It pumps refrigerant vapor under high pressure to the condenser.

Here in the condenser, the hot refrigerant vapor is cooled and condensed into a liquid form by air flowing over the condenser coils. The refrigerant then moves to the evaporator inside your home. This is where it absorbs heat from the indoor air, cooling it as it does so.

Why Is Your AC Unit Blowing Warm Air?

One of the most frequent culprits of an inefficient air conditioner in Friendswood is a blocked or dirty air filter. Air filters trap dust, pollen, and other airborne particles to prevent them from entering your HVAC system and indoor air.

However, when they become clogged, airflow is significantly restricted. This forces your air conditioner to work harder, which results in higher energy bills and reduced cooling capacity. It can also cause the evaporator coil to freeze and stop the air conditioner from cooling altogether.

Thermostat issues are another common problem that might be causing your air conditioner to perform poorly. If your thermostat is not calibrated correctly, or if it's positioned in a spot that doesn't reflect the average temperature of your house (such as near a sunny window or a heat-producing appliance), it can cause your air conditioner to turn on and off sporadically or run longer than necessary.

The size and installation of your air conditioning system also play critical roles in its efficiency. An inadequately sized air conditioner won't be able to cool a large home effectively, while one that is too large will cycle on and off too quickly and not allow for adequate air dehumidification.

Poor installation can also lead to duct leaks, improper airflow, and other issues that compromise the system's efficiency. During hot weather, these issues become more pronounced as the demand for your air conditioning system increases.

DIY Troubleshooting Steps for Your AC System

If your home in Friendswood feels too warm even when the air conditioner is running, there are a few simple checks and fixes you can perform yourself before calling an HVAC technician. These steps can help identify common issues that may be affecting your AC's efficiency.

Check and Replace Air Filters

One of the first things to check is the air filter in your AC unit. A dirty filter can restrict airflow and reduce efficiency. This can make it harder for your system to cool your home.

You can find the filter in the return air duct or mounted on the front of the furnace or air handler. If the filter looks clogged with dust and debris, it's time to replace it.

For most systems, it's recommended to change the filter every 30 to 90 days, depending on usage and the type of filter.

Ensure Correct Thermostat Settings

Next, take a look at your thermostat. It's important to ensure that it's set to "cool" and not left on "heat" or "fan only."

Also, check that the temperature setting is lower than the current room temperature. If your thermostat is programmable, verify that it's following the correct schedule and that the batteries do not need replacing.

Inspect for Blockages or Leaks

Finally, inspect your AC unit and the surrounding area for any signs of blockages or leaks. Make sure the exterior unit is clear of leaves, twigs, or other debris that could obstruct airflow.

Also, check for any signs of water or refrigerant leaks, as these could indicate a more serious problem.

If you notice significant ice buildup on the evaporator coil or refrigerant lines, it's time to shut off the unit and call a professional, as continuing to run the air conditioner could cause further damage.

When to Call the Professionals

If your air conditioner is still blowing warm air after you've done some basic checks, it may be time to seek help. Persistent problems could signal more complex issues such as a malfunctioning compressor or a refrigerant leak, both of which require specialized tools and knowledge to repair properly.

Another clear sign that professional service is needed is unusual noise coming from your AC unit. Sounds like grinding, squealing, or clattering are not typical and suggest something is wrong inside the unit.

These noises can indicate a serious problem that, if not addressed quickly by a qualified technician, could lead to a complete system breakdown.

Choosing certified technicians for your AC repairs means you're getting help from individuals who have the training and expertise necessary to diagnose and fix problems efficiently. These professionals ensure that your system is repaired the first time to reduce the likelihood of future breakdowns.

Certified technicians also understand the importance of regular maintenance, which can prevent many common issues from developing in the first place.

Beat the Heat with Professional Help in Friendswood

After exploring various reasons and solutions for your AC unit blowing warm air, it's clear that some issues can be simpler to fix than expected. From checking filters to adjusting your thermostat, these steps can enhance your unit's effectiveness.

However, when the problem persists, it's crucial to turn to the experts. P & M Air Conditioning and Heating, with over 65 years of dedicated service in the HVAC industry, stands ready to restore cool comfort to your home in Friendswood.

Don't sweat it out another day. Call our certified technicians for fast, reliable service.

air conditioner not blowing cold air but running

Why Is My Air Conditioner Not Blowing Cold Air but Running in Pearland, TX?

Summer temperatures in Pearland, TX can reach as high as the 90s in June, July, and August. For most people, this is the kind of heat they want to avoid as much as possible through the use of indoor air conditioning. 

However, the worst thing to find when you get home is your air conditioner not blowing cold air but running. You hear the system and can feel air flowing from your vents, but it's still very hot and humid inside. The answer could be any number of things from a buster compressor to an issue with your thermostat. 

Here's why your AC might not be working as it should and how to fix it.

Dirty Air Filter

Your air filter is one of the most important parts of your HVAC unit. It eliminates indoor air pollutants such as mold, dust, and other allergens. Without a filter, your home would accumulate more dust and become an unhealthy environment to live in. 

As such, it is equally important to regularly replace your air filter. A clogged air filter can restrict airflow and diminish your unit's effectiveness. It'll also force your AC to work harder than it should, which can cause it to overheat. 

Depending on where you live, you should replace your air filter every three months or so. You may need to do so more frequently if you live in a dusty area or have pets. 

Thermostat Issue

Another reason your AC may push out warm air is if there's an issue with your thermostat. Your home's thermostat dictates when your AC unit turns on and what temperature air it should create. You can also use a smart thermostat so that your indoor air changes throughout the day on a schedule. 

However, a faulty thermostat may not send the right signals to your AC. It can cause your system to turn off at the wrong time or change the temperature setting without your input. This results in not only problems with cooling and heating but also a higher AC bill

Refrigerant Leak

Refrigerant is necessary for your AC system to cool the air it circulates. If your system runs low on this, then it won't be able to do its job. 

Unfortunately, the only way a home's AC unit runs low on refrigerant is if there is some kind of leak. This is especially dangerous for anyone living inside your home, as refrigerant is harmful to breathe in. It's also flammable, which puts your property at risk. 

Some signs of a leak include ice on the refrigerant lines, hissing sounds, or a lack of cool air. If you've noticed any of these signs, then you'll want to look for "AC repair near me". 

Air Conditioner Leaking/AC Pan Leaking

It's also possible that your air conditioner has developed a leak not related to your refrigerant. AC units naturally give off condensation as they cool the air.

The moisture taken from the air condenses and drips down into a drain pan. This drain pan then redirects the water through a drain line and outside of your house. 

However, this drain pan can clog up and overflow, especially in more humid environments. If this happens, your AC unit won't be able to function as it should. At worst, your ceiling may suffer some water damage as a result. 

Dirty Condenser Coils

Your system's condenser coils are crucial to the cooling cycle. They release the heat absorbed from the indoor air to the outside as the refrigerant passes through them. This process condenses the refrigerant back into a liquid. 

If these coils get too dirty, they won't be able to dissipate heat properly. They need to be cleaned regularly as part of your AC maintenance routine by calling in local AC companies. 

Faulty Compressor

The compressor moves refrigerant throughout your system. It pressurizes the liquid and turns it into the gas that then flows through your condenser coils. If it starts to malfunction, then your cooling process will be directly affected. 

The issue with a faulty compressor is that you'll need the help of a professional AC company. Getting to it involves specialized equipment, and you could easily cause damage if you aren't trained to deal with HVAC systems. 

Electrical Component Failure

The failure of various electric parts could result in the disruption of the cooling process. 

Capacitors store and release energy to help power your AC's motors. This includes the compressor, which is key to moving refrigerant. 

The contactor that controls the flow of electricity throughout your system could become corroded. If this happens, then the AC may struggle to start or maintain functionality. 

Even the circuit board could become damaged due to electrical surges or corrosion. This can keep your system from functioning properly or starting up altogether. You may need an AC repair free estimate to see the extent of the damage and the cost to repair it. 

Evaporator Coil Issues

While the condenser coil releases heat outdoors, the evaporator coil cools indoor air. As such, it's one of the main components that allows your AC unit to produce cool air.

If you've noticed that the air coming out of your vents isn't cool, then it could be your evaporator coil has frozen over. This happens due to low refrigerant levels or poor circulation. 

To solve this in the short term, you can turn off your AC for a bit so the ice can melt naturally. A dirty filter can also restrict airflow and cause it to freeze over. 

However, the best way to deal with this issue is by calling local AC companies for help. They can find the source of the problem, such as a refrigerant leak or poor circulation. 

Solve Air Conditioner Not Blowing Cold Air But Running

If your air conditioner is not blowing cold air but running anyway, then it's likely one or more of the aforementioned problems. Your AC won't start working as it should until you have a professional come service your system. 

Homeowners interested in solutions for "heating and cooling near me" should contact P & M Air Conditioning and Heating. We offer our services in Houston, Bellaire, Pearland, West University, and Friendswood. Take a look at our special offers online and schedule a visit to get an AC repair free estimate.

spring ac maintenance

Why Annual Spring Maintenance is Crucial in Bellaire, TX

Only 42% of homeowners call a professional HVAC provider to perform routine maintenance on their units. Units that receive attention from professionals last up to 40% longer. Scheduling spring AC maintenance could save you money.

Otherwise, components will experience wear and tear. The entire unit could break down. Annual maintenance can ensure cool air, comfort, and peace of mind.

Unsure about scheduling maintenance in Bellaire, TX? Read on to discover why it's crucial!

Avoid Potential Issues

Imagine your air conditioning system breaking down as temperatures in Bellaire are starting to rise. In May, the high in Bellaire, TX averages at 86°F. You shouldn't feel sweaty and uncomfortable in your own home.

Scheduling annual maintenance can help you avoid potential issues. Your Bellaire HVAC technician can fully assess the unit. They'll confirm that every component is in perfect operating condition.

Your technician can catch minor issues with the unit before they get worse. They can make inexpensive repairs now, before the entire unit breaks down.

You can't avoid every potential repair problem. However, regular maintenance can stop the majority of common HVAC issues. Reducing how often these issues occur can save you time, money, and stress. 

It's important to schedule routine maintenance in the spring. Otherwise, you could encounter an emergency during the busy season. You may have to wait days for help as other Bellaire homeowners encounter the same problems.

Instead, schedule maintenance in the spring, before temperatures rise. You can also schedule maintenance checks in the fall before temperatures drop. Routine inspections will ensure your unit is operating properly year-round. 

Extend the Unit's Lifespan

Without routine maintenance, your HVAC system's components will wear down and break. The entire unit will struggle to function before it breaks down entirely.

You may need to pay for a new air conditioning system sooner than expected. You could spend thousands of dollars every few years if this keeps happening.

You can avoid the expense of buying a new HVAC unit by scheduling maintenance. Routine maintenance could push the life of your unit to over 15 years. The best contractors will:

  • Clean the coils
  • Check refrigerant levels
  • Lubricate moving parts
  • Replace air filters

These services can reduce the likelihood of costly, premature failure. You can expect your unit to last longer and avoid paying for a new unit.

The best HVAC contractors know how to spot issues or wear and tear. They can fix these problems before they get worse. They'll keep the entire unit functioning at its best, ensuring it operates beyond a few years.

Reduce Energy Costs

It's common for air conditioning bills to skyrocket during scorching summer months. If your energy expenses rise, you may not fully enjoy summer. Spring AC maintenance can improve your unit's energy efficiency to save you money. 

When an HVAC unit experiences wear and tear, it pushes itself harder to function. It will use more energy, causing expenses to rise. This increases the likelihood that the unit will break down.

If you've noticed an increase in your home's energy expenditure year-over-year, consult an expert. Your Bellaire HVAC contractors can provide recommendations to improve your home's energy efficiency.

For example, they can recognize if your unit is outdated. The most efficient units use 30 to 50% less energy to produce the same amount of cool air as units made in the mid-1970s. Even replacing a 10-year-old unit could save 40% of cooling energy costs.

Talk to your HVAC technician about switching to an energy-efficient model. A system with a higher SEER rating can help you save more money. 

Your technician can assess your home for other issues that are causing your energy expenses to rise. For example, efficiency can drop due to improper duct insulation.

Maintain the Indoor Temperature

Scheduling routine maintenance will keep your air conditioning system functioning as intended. You can maintain a comfortable indoor temperature throughout the summer. Your entire family will feel comfortable and happy at home.

Limit Allergens

Annual maintenance includes checking your HVAC unit's filters. If you don't replace the filter every few months, it can get clogged. The unit will work harder to push air through the filter, potentially leading it to break down.

Allergens will travel throughout your home, including:

  • Pet dander
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Pollen
  • Dust mites
  • Mold

Family members may start sneezing, coughing, or experiencing other respiratory issues. Talk to your local HVAC contractor. They can replace your air filters and clean your air ducts.

Routine cleaning can keep your family happy and healthy. Otherwise, pollutants and poor air quality in your home can lead to health complications. 

For example, carbon dioxide could invade your home. It's a colorless, odorless gas, making it difficult to identify. If you have an old furnace, you need routine checks to ensure there isn't a leak. 

Meet Warranty Requirements

Most manufacturers' warranties for AC units are only good if your unit receives routine maintenance from a professional. You don't want to lose consumer protection for your AC. Scheduling annual maintenance will ensure your warranty remains valid. 

If there's an issue with your unit, the manufacturer may not accept an insurance claim if you've neglected maintenance. Routine checks could help you avoid needing a claim in the first place.

Peace of Mind

Requesting annual maintenance services can give you peace of mind. You won't have to worry about your unit breaking down in the middle of summer. Instead, you can recognize potential issues and schedule repairs as needed.

Don't wait until there's an emergency to research Bellaire AC repair companies. Instead, look for a company you can trust now. You'll have peace of mind knowing you can call them if there are any issues. 

Schedule Spring AC Maintenance in Bellaire

Scheduling spring AC maintenance can help you avoid problems before temperatures rise. After all, summers in the Greater Houston, TX area mean extreme heat and humidity. Ensure your family is comfortable before summer.

P & M Air Conditioning and Heating has offered complete HVAC services for over 65 years. Our family-owned business cares about your comfort. 

Rely on our certified technicians, years of experience, and fair prices. Contact us today to schedule annual maintenance for your unit.

pre season hvac tune up

Do You Need a Pre-Season HVAC Tune-Up Before Spring in Houston, TX?

About 6% of all electrical use in the US goes directly to HVAC systems. Unfortunately, your unit could break down right before Houston's hot summer temperatures roll in. You may have to sweat it out if you neglect to schedule your pre-season HVAC tune-up.

A spring HVAC tune-up will help you spot issues before the unit breaks down. Not sure if you need HVAC services? Read on to discover the benefits of contacting your Houston HVAC contractor today!

The Benefits of a Spring HVAC Tune-Up

Don't wait until obvious signs your HVAC unit is breaking down to call a Houston HVAC contractor. Even new systems need a refrigerant refill and thorough cleaning.

Instead, schedule your HVAC tune-up once a year, either in the fall or spring. You'll have peace of mind knowing it's functioning properly before extreme weather rolls in. Here are a few other benefits you'll experience after scheduling a spring HVAC tune-up!

Reducing Heating and Cooling Costs

Have your utility bills fluctuated year-over-year? Homeowners spend about $29 billion a year running their air conditioning units. You could spend more than usual if you neglect to schedule preventative HVAC maintenance services.

Over time, your HVAC unit's components will experience natural wear and tear. The entire unit will push itself twice as hard to function. The energy it spends to operate will cause your energy bills to rise.

Scheduling a routine tune-up will ensure the unit is running smoothly. You can reduce your utility bill for the spring and summer seasons.

Talk to your Houston HVAC contractor for HVAC system tips. They can make recommendations to help you improve your energy efficiency. For example, they may recommend you switch to a smart thermometer, giving you more control over your HVAC.

Less Chance of a Breakdown

Your HVAC system may not show many signs of impending failure before it breaks down completely. Allowing an experienced technician to assess your unit is essential. They can determine which components are about to break down. 

Otherwise, you may not realize something is wrong until the unit stops working. Hiring a trained technician to inspect the unit can help you avoid the stress of a breakdown.

Schedule preventative HVAC maintenance at least once a year. You can catch small problems before they develop into big issues. Maintenance can help you avoid the cost of purchasing a brand new unit sooner than expected. 

Improved Comfort

Imagine having friends and family over to celebrate summer break, only for your HVAC unit to break down. Your guests likely won't want to stay if they're sweating inside.

Unfortunately, HVAC failures seem to happen when you need your unit to work the most. Your unit will overexert itself trying to function during peak summer months. Make sure everything is functioning as intended before the heatwave rolls in.

You can mitigate potential disasters by scheduling preventative HVAC maintenance. Your contractor will ensure the unit is running at its best before guests arrive. 

Better Air Quality

If your HVAC unit isn't working at maximum capacity, your air quality could suffer. Restricted vents and clogged filters can lead to poor air circulation. Pet dander, pollen, and other airborne contaminants will fill your home.

Breathing in poor air can negatively impact your mental and physical health. You may start experiencing allergy symptoms. People with asthma may notice their symptoms worsening.

Keep everyone in your home safe by scheduling regular HVAC servicing. As your technician for air quality improvement tips. For example, you can:

  • Remove air pollutants
  • Improve air circulation by opening a window
  • Switch to a new thermostat
  • Get a dehumidifier
  • Use a humidifier during dry months
  • Switch your air filters
  • Limited scented items that cause VOCs
  • Get air-filtering indoor plants

The next time you see your HVAC contractor, ask about air duct cleaning services. Ask if they can recommend a better air filter as well. Their services can improve the air quality in your home, benefiting your well-being.  

Extend the Unit's Lifespan

Remember, your HVAC unit will work twice as hard to function if components have worn down. Routine preventative HVAC maintenance can extend the lifespan of a unit to over 15 years. Without maintenance, the unit may only last five years. 

A spring HVAC tune-up will keep small problems from snowballing. You can replace worn-down parts before they fail completely. These routine updates will extend the unit's natural lifespan.

Your experienced contractor can provide additional HVAC system tips. They'll help you avoid paying for a new unit sooner than expected. 

Avoid Long Wait Times

Most homeowners experience HVAC issues when temperatures are at their peak. Don't wait until summer or winter to call for help.

Scheduling preventative maintenance in the spring can help you avoid long wait times. Instead, you can receive help before there's an emergency. You'll have peace of mind knowing your HVAC contractor is available. 

Signs You Need Immediate Servicing

Request immediate HVAC servicing if you notice:

  • Increased energy bills
  • Weak or non-existent airflow
  • Non-functioning cooling or heating systems
  • The thermostat's reading is inaccurate
  • Unusual noise coming from the unit
  • Loss of indoor air quality
  • A change in your home's humidity
  • Unpleasant odors coming from the unit

Your HVAC professional can assess the problem before it escalates. They'll make customized recommendations based on their assessment. 

What's a Spring HVAC Tune-Up?

A regular HVAC tune-up usually involves:

  • Oiling/lubricating the motor
  • Checking and adjusting blower belts
  • Replacing the system's air filter
  • Measuring the voltage system
  • Cleaning the condensate drain
  • Repairing electrical connections
  • Testing controls
  • Flushing the drain line and trap
  • Inspecting the heat exchanger
  • Measuring refrigerant levels
  • Testing the thermostat

Schedule a Pre-Season HVAC Tune-Up Today

Don't wait until your HVAC unit breaks down. Instead, schedule your pre-season HVAC tune-up in Houston as soon as possible. Your HVAC contractor will ensure your unit is working as intended before major problems develop. 

P&M Air Conditioning and Heating is a family-owned, full-service HVAC company. Our certified and experienced team has been earning our customers' satisfaction for 75 years.

Our technicians are certified to look at all types of HVAC units. Contact us today to schedule your spring HVAC tune-up.

air purifier with UV light

UV Light Air Purifiers: How They Work and Their Benefits for Your West University, TX Home

Between the years 2016 and 2022, more than 400,000 tons of air pollution in Texas were released by companies. This is concerning for many reasons.

These pollutants affect indoor air quality in people's homes. This leads to health hazards, especially in homes with poor circulation. The good news is, new technology has been created and you can fight indoor air pollutants with an air purifier with UV light. 

You may be wondering how this technology works and how you can benefit from it. This guide will tell you everything you need to know so you can keep your home and family safe. 

How Do They Work 

UV light or ultraviolet light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. It has shorter wavelengths than visible light. There are three types of UV light and UV-C is the one harnessed by air purifiers. 


UV light models combine UV technology with other filtration methods, so harmful microorganisms are easier to target. Pre-filters and HEPA filters are used to capture larger contaminants so the light can do its job.

Traditional air purifiers typically have filters that trap particles as well. However, they don't have the UV light to destroy smaller harmful materials that slip through the filters.

UV-C Light Sterilization 

UV-C light works to disrupt and destroy the DNA structure of bacteria and viruses. It keeps them inactive and incapable of reproducing and growing. This is effective against pathogens that can easily escape traditional filters.

Activated Carbon Filters 

Odors and other organic compounds, such as gaseous pollutants, are captured by carbon filters. This helps improve air quality and keeps your home in Houston, TX from smelling bad.

Benefits of Air Purifiers with UV Light

The benefits of an air purifier with UV light are endless. Once you invest in UV lights in HVAC systems, you'll never go back. 

Mold Prevention 

The presence of mold in your home is less than ideal. It can cause you to become sick. Mold spores can become airborne and when inhaled may cause respiratory problems. It could trigger allergies or pre-existing conditions, such as asthma. 

Mold exposure can also lead to irritation in the eyes, nose, and throat. If you start to have a persistent sore throat, you may have mold in your home. 

Putting a purifier in your home in Houston can help destroy mold spores. You don't have to worry about getting sick. It can also help prevent more growth. 

Odor Neutralization 

One of the most noticeable benefits is odor neutralization. The last thing you want is for your home to stink. The activated carbon filters target any unwanted odors and leave your home smelling fresh and clean. 

Allergen Reduction 

Pet dander, pollen, and dust mites can accumulate in your home fairly easily. Having a UV light air purifier can help reduce these allergens. 

Microbial Elimination 

Now you may be asking, "Does UV light kill bacteria?". Well, it does. 

UV-C light can eliminate viruses, bacteria, and an array of other microorganisms. This makes UV lights in HVAC systems invaluable. 

Comprehensive Air Purification 

Tackling poor air quality in your home can seem overwhelming. Articles online may outline lots of steps for you to take to clean your home. 

Maybe you've spent hours and hundreds of dollars trying to purify your Texas home. Without a comprehensive approach, keeping good air quality will be hard.

Air purifiers with HEPA filters will make this process much easier. This is one step, and once the air purifier is installed, you won't have to worry. 

Saving Money Advantages 

While the benefits above are probably enough to convince you to invest in an air purifier with UV light, there are several money-saving advantages that can help you. We know budgeting for your home can be challenging and you may not have a lot of extra cash lying around, which is an air purifier, is a great option. 

Low Maintenance Costs

They also have minimal ongoing expenses. They can last for an extended period of time before needing a replacement.

This will save you money in the long run, as you won't have to pay for regular inspections and maintenance. Once it's installed, you'll improve indoor air quality in your home and you won't have to think about it again.

Energy Efficiency 

UV light air purifiers are also created to be energy efficient. This will lead to lower electrical bills. You may not notice a significant change in your bill right away.

However, in the long run, you'll notice a difference. Unlike conventional air purifiers, a UV light purifier will adjust the intensity based on the present need.

Air purifiers are constantly operating at a high power, which isn't energy efficient. This flexibility ensures that your device only consumes the necessary amount of energy. This leads to cost savings over time.  

Reduced Healthcare Costs

Installing an air purifier with UV light will also save you money on health care and medication. If your home has lots of mold and dust, you're going to be spending more on allergy medication.

If you have a pre-existing condition flare-up due to poor air quality, your medical bills are going to increase. You could save yourself hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars by installing a high-quality UV-C light. 

UV Lights in HVAC Systems

It's not uncommon for mold and bacteria to grow on your cooling coils and other components of your heating and air-conditioning system. However, a UV light air purifier will reduce this risk.

It will also help keep your system clean. It will also minimize the risk of malfunctions and extend the lifespan of the equipment. You won't have to spend as much money on repairs and replacement costs when you install this air purifier. 

Benefits of an Air Purifier With UV Light 

Purchasing and installing an air purifier with a UV light will not only help you create a healthier living space but also save you money. You can protect your home in Houston, TX, and your wallet-who doesn't want that? 

This guide outlines how an air purifier with UV light works and the benefits, but if you have questions, our team at P & M Air Conditioning and Heating is available to answer them.

With more than 65 years in the business, our family is here to support you. Don't wait to get in touch with us

winter warmth

Choosing the Right Heating System in Friendswood, TX: A Winter Replacement Guide

Winter here in Friendswood, TX, brings shorter days and reduced sunlight. It's a combination that can trigger the blues. So can a furnace that doesn't produce enough winter warmth.

Upgrading your heating system is one way to banish the blues. However, choosing the ideal system can feel overwhelming. This guide will help you find the best heating solution for your home.

So ditch the parka, get cozy, and explore your options for furnace replacement.

Signs You Need a New Heating System

The average furnace lasts 15-20 years, but with good heating and cooling maintenance, many furnaces last longer. If you're dealing with an aging furnace, it's time to consider upgrading. 

The furnace usually offers clues that it's nearing the end of its lifespan. Signs include:

  • Age and inefficiency
  • Frequent furnace repair
  • Uneven heating
  • Increased energy bills
  • Strange noises or smells

As your furnace ages, its efficiency declines, meaning you're spending more money on energy for less heat. You're likely investing more in repairs as well. Replacing an old furnace with a newer, higher-efficiency model can significantly reduce energy bills and keep your home comfortable.

Fueling the Fire: Choosing the Right Source for Your Heating System

The heart of any new heating system is its fuel source. Each choice below offers unique advantages and considerations.

Natural Gas

Abundant in Friendswood, natural gas delivers powerful heat. This fuel offers competitive prices, making it a budget-friendly option. Be aware that natural gas prices can fluctuate, impacting long-term energy costs.

Natural gas is also considered one of the cleanest fossil fuels you can use. Depending on your home's existing infrastructure, a new gas line installation might be necessary.


If your home is already wired for electricity, switching to an electric heating system can be a seamless transition.

Larger homes might need additional capacity upgrades to accommodate an electric heating system. While efficient in mild climates, electric systems might struggle to keep up in extreme cold, requiring backup heating sources.

Opting for an electric furnace aligns with sustainability goals, reducing your carbon footprint.


Propane offers a reliable heating solution for homes lacking access to natural gas. Propane heating systems deliver strong performance, ensuring comfortable temperatures throughout the winter.

Tank refills and regular maintenance are part of the equation when choosing propane. Propane prices can vary depending on location and delivery schedules, impacting your overall heating budget.

Choosing the right fuel source depends on your needs, budget, and home environment. A qualified HVAC professional can help you determine the best match. 

Finding the Ideal Heating System

Once you've chosen your fuel source, the next step is finding the perfect heating system type to match your home's unique needs. Here's a closer look at your options:


Considered reliable workhorses, furnaces deliver consistent warmth through existing ductwork. They're efficient with gas or propane and ideal for homes with mild to moderate climates. While some homeowners prefer electric furnaces, their performance pales in comparison.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps harness the air's natural warmth. They're an efficient and cost-effective heating solution in mild climates. Heat pumps can significantly reduce heating bills but require backup heating in extreme cold. 

Again, consulting a qualified HVAC professional can help you learn more about your options and find the perfect solution for your specific comfort and energy-saving goals.

Choosing the Right Fit: Other Essential Considerations

Picking the fuel source and heating system type comes first, but there are a few other things to consider before you make the final decision. Consider these other key factors: your home's size and insulation, and Friendswood's typical winter temperatures. 

Your home's square footage and insulation levels are crucial in determining the right heating system size. Poorly insulated or large homes need more power for proper heat distribution. Smaller, well-insulated spaces tend to stay warm enough with a smaller unit. 

Selecting the right size furnace ensures your system operates efficiently and keeps your entire home at a comfortable temperature.

Don't forget about climate. Friendswood's typical winter temperatures and your specific heating needs should also guide your choice. If mild chills are your biggest worry, a heat pump might be sufficient. But for those bone-chilling nights, a furnace is the best option. 

Next, we'll help you decode efficiency codes. It's a good idea to get familiar with how manufacturers rate heating systems for efficiency and performance.

Understanding Efficiency Codes for Heating Systems 

When you're ready to choose a new heating system, deciphering efficiency ratings can feel like cracking a secret code. Here's a quick breakdown of the key terms you'll encounter:

AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency)

This rating applies to gas-fired systems like furnaces. It tells you what percentage of heat your furnace produces for every dollar of fuel it consumes. The higher numbers indicate greater efficiency.

Aim for an AFUE of 90% or above to get the most for your energy dollars.

HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor)

This rating is all about heat pumps. It measures how efficiently the system extracts heat from the air to warm your home throughout the heating season. Higher HSPF values mean you'll get more bang for your buck.

Look for an HSPF of 8 or above for optimal performance.

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)

While not directly related to heating, some systems also offer cooling capabilities. SEER tells you how efficiently the system cools your home. If you're looking for a year-round solution, consider models with high SEER ratings as well.

Higher efficiency ratings generally translate to lower energy bills and a more environmentally friendly heating (and cooling) experience. 

Guarantee Your Winter Warmth With a New Heating System

Winter is coming to Friendswood. If your heating system didn't provide enough winter warmth last year, now is the time to upgrade. 

When you search for heating and cooling near me, you'll find us, P & M Air Conditioning and Heating. Our family-owned business has helped keep Friendswood, Texas families warm since 1947. We offer heating replacement, heating and cooling maintenance, and indoor air quality solutions.

Reach out today with questions or to request a free furnace estimate.

ac and heating tune-up

Winter Prep: Why You Should Schedule a Furnace Tune-Up in Houston, TX

If you're in Texas, get ready to feel the "brr" as experts project the state to have a colder-than-normal winter. They're even forecasting the Lone Star State to have a storm sometime in mid-January 2024!

Investing in an AC and heating tune-up service is one way to prepare for that unseasonably cold winter. Ideally, you should schedule one in spring and another in fall, but it's not too late if you haven't had the chance to. However, you should have a professional complete it earlier in winter.

We'll tell you why you need heating and cooling maintenance and how it can benefit you, so please read on.

Ensure Adequate Heating and Cooling

Before your HVAC system heats or cools the air inside your home, it pushes the air through a filter. The latter traps common indoor air pollutants before they can dirty up your system's interior components. Such contaminants include dust, debris, mold, dust mites, dander, and other tiny particles.

Because of its crucial job, the filter is bound to get dirty and clogged over time. How long before this happens depends on factors like where you live and if you have pets. For example, if you live in Houston, it may take only a month for your HVAC filters to get all clogged up, as it's among the most polluted cities in the U.S.

Failure to change or wash HVAC filters can lead to impaired system performance. One reason is that clogs restrict airflow into the system, resulting in less air getting cooled or heated. This forces the HVAC to work harder to try and reach your desired temperature.

Another reason is that filthy filters allow contaminants to bypass and settle on your system's interior components. This dirt and residue build-up can interfere with your system's heating and cooling abilities.

All that can lead to your HVAC system being unable to adequately warm or cool your home. Preventive maintenance, which includes thoroughly cleaning the system, can help keep such problems at bay.

Prevent or Fix Problems Before They Worsen

Every year, HVAC repairs and services cost Americans about $14 billion. Many of these costly repairs arise from a lack of proper system maintenance.

Let's use dirty filters as an example, which, as mentioned above, makes HVAC systems work harder. It causes unnecessary, additional strain on the system's components, making them wear and tear faster. This can result in them completely breaking down sooner than expected.

Such breakdowns can happen at any time, such as in the middle of the night, when you need heating the most. Your AC could also malfunction on a hotter-than-normal fall or winter day.

That could force you to call emergency AC or furnace repair services. You'd then have to sit in discomfort in the heat or cold while waiting for the HVAC professional.

Prevent those problems by investing in regular AC and heating tune-up schedules.

During one, an HVAC professional will thoroughly inspect and clean your system. The pro will also lubricate its parts, check and tighten connections, calibrate your thermostat, and test your system's performance. They'll also look for potential problems and inform you immediately if they find any.

With your permission, the technician can then proceed to resolve the issue. In doing so, they can help you avert more severe problems that can lead to your system breaking down when you need it the most.

Keep Your HVAC System Efficient

The experts at Energy Star (the U.S. EPA and DOE) recommend hiring a professional HVAC maintenance contractor. According to them, it's one of the ways to keep your system's smooth and efficient operation.

An energy-efficient system uses less energy to heat or cool indoor spaces adequately. This translates to a comfortable home, lower energy bills, and reduced carbon footprint. So, not only can it help you save money, but it can also help you become more eco-friendly.

Maintain Optimal Indoor Air Quality

Your HVAC system helps maintain optimal indoor air quality by providing mechanical ventilation. Its filter also plays a vital role here, considering it traps air pollutants.

So, when your HVAC filter becomes too dirty, it'll no longer be able to help clean the air. The contaminants that bypass it can also mix with the air you breathe inside your home. Moreover, it may reintroduce the particles it previously caught to your indoor air.

That's why HVAC maintenance and IAQ go hand in hand. Regular AC and heating tune-up services can help keep your HVAC system and indoor air clean.

Make Your HVAC System Last

Early wear and tear on HVAC components can decrease your system's overall lifespan. So, if your system can supposedly last 15 years, it can fail at age 10 or even earlier.

An example of when that can happen is when an HVAC system's blower becomes so laden with dirt that it runs slower. This can cause the blower motor and air compressor to overheat and, ultimately, fail. These two are among the most expensive parts of an HVAC system, so when they break down, expect a hefty repair bill.

To keep those problems at bay, hire a professional to tune up your AC and heater in the spring and fall. If you missed either, it's okay, but it's best to schedule one earlier in summer or winter.

Contractors get busier during mid-summer and winter, so if you wait until then, they may be unable to visit your home for a same- or next-day service.

Book Your AC and Heating Tune-up Schedule Today

Regular AC and heating tune-up services help keep your home comfortable year-round. They can also prevent severe HVAC and IAQ problems and boost your system's energy efficiency.

So, if you haven't had your HVAC tuned up yet, now is the best time to schedule one before it gets colder in Houston.

The expert technicians at P & M Air Conditioning and Heating are ready to help. You can rely on our over 65 years of experience.

So, call or text us today. We'll get your HVAC system ready for winter and summer!

ac tune up checklist

The Role of HVAC Maintenance in Fall Indoor Air Quality in Pearland, TX

With over 175 acres of parkland dotted with trees, fall foliage in Pearland, TX, is truly a sight to behold. Here, cypress, maple, and oak trees put on a majestic display of vibrant yellow, orange, and red hues.

But along with those magnificent colors come a higher risk for allergies and asthma. After all, fallen leaves mean increased mold activity. This season is also when some species of trees, grass, and ragweed release pollen into the air.

That mold- and allergen-filled air can enter your home and get circulated by your HVAC system. Fortunately, following an AC tune-up checklist can help prevent this from happening.

This fall HVAC maintenance guide discusses the items to put on your checklist and how they can help, so read on. 

Clean or Change Dirty Air Filters

Before cooling or heating the air, your HVAC system first pushes it through air filters. These filters collect indoor air pollutants like dirt, dust, mold spores, and pollen. They help keep the system from getting all caked up with debris that can reduce its efficiency.

Because of their role, standard air filters can get clogged within about one to three months. This can happen faster during fall, as molds become more active (due to the fallen leaves). Many days with high pollen count can also speed this up. 

Failure to wash or replace dirty air filters can strain the HVAC system. This makes it work harder, using more energy and spiking your energy bills.

Dirty air filters can also impair airflow, leading to hot and cold spots in your home. This can cause higher humidity levels, further reducing indoor comfort.

Also, when filters get dirty, they can develop gaps, allowing contaminants to bypass. The pollutants can then mix with and reduce indoor air quality (IAQ).

Poor IAQ can adversely affect anyone, but it can be worse for those with asthma or allergies. In Brazoria County, nearly 30,000 kids and adults have such health conditions.

So, if you or anyone in your household is among them, check your air filters at least once a month. Then, replace or wash them once you see significant debris build up. Doing so can also help lower your air conditioner's energy consumption by 5% to 15%

Check Air Vents for Dirt

Dust, molds, and pollen can also build up on the slats of air vents. You can keep this from happening faster and more often with proper air filter upkeep.

After washing or replacing your filters, inspect your air vents to see if they're dusty or dirty. If so, it's time to clean them, but cover the floor and furniture nearby first to keep rogue dust from settling on them.

You can vacuum or wipe your air vent covers with a clean rag and soapy water. After that, consider sanitizing them with disinfecting wipes. 

Ensure the Condensate System Isn't Full

A drain pan and connected pipe make up the HVAC condensate system. You should find these components below your HVAC system's air handling unit.  

The pan's role is to collect the moisture the system removes from the air. That water then flows into the drain pipe, which channels it out of your home.

As it's often damp, the condensate system can provide ideal conditions for mold growth. This is especially true if the pan and pipe have dirt, dust, and other organic residue. All these are nutrients for molds, allowing them to colonize.

Mold colonies can block the drain and pipe, making the collected water unable to leave your home. Instead, it may continue to pool until the pan is so full it overflows. If this happens, it can lead to water damage, higher indoor humidity levels, and more mold growth.

So, ensure you include checking and cleaning the drain pan and pipe on your AC tune-up checklist. Ideally, you should do this monthly since molds can be active during the fall season. 

Inspect the Ductwork

Duct leaks can cut your HVAC system's efficiency by as much as 20%. These leakages allow conditioned air to leave before it reaches the rooms you want it to cool (or heat). As a result, your system gets forced to work harder (and use more energy) to reach your desired temperature.

Another problem caused by air leaks is that they can let unfiltered air mix with filtered air. This can then lead to poor IAQ and adverse health effects.

To prevent those issues, inspect the visible areas of your air ducts after you finish the steps above. Look for loose joints, cracks, and torn or damaged insulation. You should also listen for rattling or whistling; these are audible signs of duct leaks.

If you notice any of those symptoms, contact your local HVAC experts to get your ducts fixed. You can also ask them about air purifiers, including UV lamps, that can help improve your IAQ. 

Keep the Outdoor Unit Debris-Free

After your HVAC system extracts warm air inside your home, it sends it to the outdoor unit. The outdoor unit then expels the warm air outdoors. So if it gets blocked by plant debris and weeds, it won't be able to "breathe" or "exhale."

That's why HVAC cleaning duties during fall should also cover your outdoor unit. Remove and bag plant debris that has piled up on or beside it. Bag them immediately to keep them from making another mess.

Please also ensure your outdoor unit has a 2-foot clearance on all sides. If you have potted plants near it, move them farther. You should also trim or prune trees and bushes too close to the unit. 

Time to Use This AC Tune-up Checklist

This AC tune-up checklist can help you keep your system in optimal condition this fall. However, please note that it only includes maintenance tasks simple enough to DIY. It's still best to schedule your system for a comprehensive, professional maintenance program.

You can rely on P & M Air Conditioning and Heating for all your cooling and heating tune-up needs. We serve the Greater Houston, TX, area, including Pearland, and have been doing so for over 65 years.

Contact us today, and we'll happily assist you with our high-quality HVAC services.